Here I am back again! I just got back from Colombia! I must say I had a very good time, each time that I travel away from the States I realize how happy I am that I'm here, but how much we actually give up by doing so. Some of my family is still there (in Colombia), and eventhough they don't have much, their lives seem fuller. What is the price that we pay for living the way that we live. I love this country and am grateful that it opened the door to my parents so that they could create a better life for us. My cousins are all desiring to come over to the land of opportunity, and I long for just a little bit of what they have. I am not sure what would have become of me had my parents stayed in Colombia, but I am very happy with my life here. In Miami life is a bit more laid back than cities like New York, and Chicago, but having been in Colombia, I realized just how fast paced Miami really is. (Of course in Comparison to Barranquilla). The sad thing is that I was there about four years ago, and everything was exactly the same. The street that leads to my aunt's house was still full of holes or perhaps I should say craters, that in order to get there you feel as though you are riding a horse even though you are actually in a car. The men are still trying to make ends meet (since they were retired at 40 for being too old). The women are still working diligently and exhaustingly in the house, because eventhough they have someone who helps them (maid), NO ONE will pitch in. That would definitely not work around here, that's for sure! It's funny, because when my cousins would tell me how much they want to come to the States, the first thing that I asked them is "Do you cook, clean, wash, etc...because if you don't you better learn!" Their faces were priceless, UNBELIEVABLE!
Women in this country have come a long way, and, although I know we realize it, once you see other women's reality in the face you can't help but thank GOD that we are where we are! I really have no other country to compare it to, and I am sure that other parts of Colombia may be different, but where I was, it wasn't.