Thursday, February 16, 2006

What would happen?

"What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open."

Muriel Rukeyser

We all have secrets, and sometimes those secrets overwhelm our existence, sometimes you just want to be free.....


Mesmerized said...

I think that secrets are a way for us to protect who we really are. I mean if you told some folks your secrets that would certainly think of you differently. Good, bad or otherwise. Some secrets aren't so bad. It takes a wise person to know which should/shouldn't be shared.

ShoeGirl Corner said...

Love this photo! When I was young I thought it was healthy in a relationship to tell your secrets. Now that I'm older and wiser I know better. Secrets are great to take into your old age so you can rock on your porch and smile at your memories!

Saw you comment on Alisa's blog and thought I'd stop in and visit.

ShoeGirl Corner said...

I meant the photo on your blog entry!

Yxory - (Ixoree) said...

thanks shoegirl!

Yxory - (Ixoree) said...
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