Thursday, January 07, 2010

Time to think about my New Year's Resolution-My trip past Broke..

Life is not a vacation, and unfortunately, tomorrow, I have to go back to work....Ugh....don't get me wrong, I do not mean to sound ungrateful...I HAVE A JOB, and am very grateful for it, but with this holiday time off, it makes it hard to look forward to getting back into the same hum drum spin of things.  It's so important to do what you love, and thinking of how hard this economy is at the moment, many of us can't really venture into giving up our steady jobs, and going after our dreams.

Is this fair to ourselves, should we settle?  I don't think so, I think today we just need to be smart about it.  For example, we need to have goals, I am thirty something, and although I can't complain about my life, I mean it is really quite great for the most part, but I'm broke, yeap, you read it right...I AM BROKE! I make a decent living, but for some reason my spending has me living paycheck to paycheck.  

Now, seeing me, you may think, my life is absolutely fabulous, great hair, beautiful clothing, nice apartment, loads of travels, etc.., but as the commercial says...I'm in debt up to my EYEBALLS! Why I ask myself, I don't know, I love to shop! Then again, what woman doesn't?  But, when is it enough, when will I have enough shoes, scarves, shirts, dresses, earrings, get the point.  Last time I counted I had over one hundred fifty pairs of shoes....You may wonder if I wear them all, and yes!  I do! They each have an outfit that they belong to, and at times, I even get more than an outfits use of them.  

So, this past week I went to San Francisco....beautiful city I must add! I had a lot to think about, I thought about where I wanted to be both emotionally and financially.  As the years pass by, of course we know that we do not get any younger, however, many times, when we come to the realization that we need to make a change in our lives, it's when we have a little more wisdom and life experience.  At a bookstore, I ran into a book by Suze Orman, The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke.  My sister totally loves her, I personally have never really been able to get into Suze, perhaps it's my subconscious mind rejecting her, because I should be following her advice, perhaps not.  Either way, I bought the book, yeap, I bought it, and started to read it, so, as my New Year's Resolution, I, YXORY, WILL WORK ON BEING FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE!

Yes, I will follow Suze's advice, and get back on track, it's never too late....I hope!

Well, my first step, is registering on Suze's website, and enter my here goes!

The second part of my resolution is becoming EMOTIONALLY RESPONSIBLE!  I have really messed up  in the past, and although I am with a man whom I love very much, and I know he loves me, I must admit, that there are a lot of issues that we need to work on.  I am partly responsible, perhaps I have been a single woman for too long, but I will not take all the blame, a relationship is about two people coming together and working as a team.  I know that being unfaithful put a huge barrier in our relationship, but I am here and I want to work past it.  I have never believed that an infidelity is a reason to end a relationship.  On the contrary, if people were to really look for the solution, they would be able to become a much better, stronger couple.  I am not excusing my actions, but I was tired.  I was tired of waiting for him to make a resolution...four years...and I was still waiting... was lonely, and felt incomplete, and so it happened, I can't say that it was the biggest mistake of my life, because I believe we learn from our mistakes.  Do I regret it.  Perhaps, but in life, I have learned that the only things that you regret are those that you didn't do....So, how, I will put my EMOTIONALLY RESPONSIBILITY into action, well, I haven't picked up a book on that yet....but we'll see.

This year, I will take a much more direct and accountable approach at accomplishing my New Year's Resolutions.  I will blog my progress....this will help keep me on track...and most importantly...FOCUSED!

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